It's astounding, time is fleeting Madness takes its toll But listen closely, not for very much longer I've got to keep control I remember doing the TIme Warp Drinking those moments when The blackness would hit me and the void would be calling Let's do the time warp again... Let's do the time warp again! It's just a jump to the left And then a step to the right With your hands on your hips You bring your knees in tight But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane, Let's do the ...
Why didn’t Clark just fly them home?
There’s a theater a few miles from my house that shows old movies and stuff and they do the Rocky Horror Picture show every other saturday.
Aha. I see this at the theater with the live dancers like once a month. Nothing better! lol
disturbing movie! but the songs got stuck in my head so i have to watch it again!!! lol
so much fun! I’d love to see this sometime!
Haha this is awesome!
what languange are the subtitles in
i just saw this movie for the first time and I thought i was on a complete acid trip lmao
mi amo il sottotitolo! Grazie!
Wonderfull! Let’s do the time warp again!!! Let’s do the time warp again!!! Let’s do the time warp again!!! Let’s do the time warp again!!!
Great movie! great songs! although its a bit weird i luved it!
Magical movie
The meatloaf clip is available in minutes. Rocky Horror Rocks!!
can u please put the hot pat meatloaf part…thanks for the clip.
This song rules!!!! Love “Rocky Horror”!
This song is so weird, yet it’s cool!!
Hey ich habe dir schon eine Nachicht auf YouTube geschrieben, ich mf6chte hier blodf nohmacl nohmacl dasselbe schreiben um darauf hinzuweisen ^^Fan-Art, was he4ltst du davon?Also ich weidf nicht wie ich das so richtig formulieren sollte also schreib ich einfach mal so drauf los ich habe mir ein paar deiner Videos angesehen und sie gefallen mir sehr. Ich finde daffcr hast du dir ein kleines \ Dankeschf6n\ (wenn man das so nennen kann ) verdient. Also habe ich mir fcberlegt ich kf6nnte dir vielleicht eine Art von Fan-Art machen in \ Pixel-Form\ machen. Wfcrde dir diese Idee gefallen? Wo kf6nnte ich das gegebenenfalls per Mail oder Post hinschicken und hast du schon mal sowas erhalten? LG, Kartoffelkrieger
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