Richard O'Brien, Patricia Quinn and Dori Hartley performed this live version of The Time Warp at the 20th Anniversary Rocky Horror Convention.
The Rocky Horror Show - Live on Stage
Richard O'Brien, Patricia Quinn and Dori Hartley performed this live version of The Time Warp at the 20th Anniversary Rocky Horror Convention.
Lee Marshall as Dr. Frank N. Furter in The Rocky Horror Show … [Read More...]
Pictured below is the flyer used for the Woodlawn Theatre Rocky Horror shows in San Antonio, Texas. The dates changed when updated to the next season, but the design basically remained unchanged from year to year. Various assorted colors were used … [Read More...]
In the fall of 2004 The Woodlawn Theatre produced a live stage version of The Rocky Horror Show. The beautiful images below are original watercolors painted of the RHS cast during that particular production. The artist is Ray Price. The items … [Read More...]
The best way to experience The Rocky Horror Show is LIVE on stage. Below you will find live productions of The Rocky Horror Show. Find one close to you - grab a friend - and go see for your self! The Rocky Horror Show Live on Stage Seattle, … [Read More...]
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“SAY! Do any of you guys know how to MADISON?”
where did you see it at?
ich weiss das nicht meinen komrade
I went and saw this yesterday at midnight and laughed my *** off again. Best part: With your hands on your hips
Warum sprechen wir Deustch?
Ich finde es hammer ich bekomme immer einen ohrwurm wen ich das lied höre !
=D !!!
God i love this movie so much.
But they do sound like my friends after they’ve had a bit of a drink. xD!
und ich fint es cool na und was die anderen sagen
das is so geil dat video
saw the show live at mcdaniel college. lovee it!
fucking faggot movie
this is the most weirdest movie i have EVA seen but it is sooo cool and halerious.
this movie IS SOOO FRIQQIN FUNNY!!!!
Playing this song at My Gothic Wedding,its going to be crazy!!!
I loveeeee this movieeeeeeeeeee!

Especially Roacky. and Dr. Franken Furter
hah ha haa
Some of the pictures are very cool!
one word – shit
wtf is this ****.
This is amazing. Well done, and thanks for making it. ~x~
iiitttt`s sooooooooooooooooo slooooww!
Why do you even bother?? It is sooo lame, Christ why did I even click this POS!
Dies ist kein grodfes Gesche4ft –> It is no big deal. I know. But from the way the original English scnetnee has been translated into German, I can straight away say that it’s machine translation. No problem Vajra, as long as one does not end up with “Out of sight, out of mind” being translated as “invisible idiot”!Regards,Dondu N.Raghavan
It’s a pleasure to find someone who can identify the issues so clearly
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